Who we are

Our website address is: https://www.tamiamicommunity.com/

Tamiami Village & RV Park cares about your privacy. We do not collect any personal information about you during your visit to this web site.

We do record statistical information for the purpose of improving our web site and cookies may be used for monitoring our success.

Subscriptions and Email responses

When our forms ask you to provide us with contact information and when you Email us, this information is used only to meet your requests and contact you if necessary. Unsubscribe instructions are sent with every message.

External Links

Tamiami Village & RV Park has no control over, and is therefore not responsible for the privacy practices of linked web sites. We do not endorse any linked sites or their content.

Terms of Use

By entering the Tamiami Village & RV Park’s web site, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please leave this website.

Tamiami Village & RV Park is the copyright owner of this web site. No portion of this site (including but not limited to: text, code and images) may be used for any purpose or in any manner without Tamiami Village & RV Park express written permission. The only exception is for the Private User License outlined below.

Contents of this site are either the property of Tamiami Village & RV Park or are used with the copyright holder’s permission. Changing or using the material on this site for any purpose other than your private, non- commercial use is a violation of Tamiami Village & RV Park legal rights. Important Notice for Webmasters below. Tamiami Village & RV Park will enforce its intellectual property rights if necessary. Visitors to this web site are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from this web site any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or other material that would violate any law.

Private User License

When you access this web site, your web browser makes a copy of this web site on your computer in its memory cache. We consider this a single user license for your personal, non-commercial use only. By using this web site, you indicate your consent and agreement to all terms stated in this notice, including:
a) that you will not exploit or reuse this site or any of its contents without Tamiami Village & RV Park express written permission;
b) you will not display or transmit our content to any other web site; and
c) you agree to prevent others from doing same on your computer.

Access to this web site is provided “AS IS” and at your own risk, and without warranty of any kind. Tamiami Village & RV Park and parties involved in creating, producing, or delivering this site are not liable for any direct or indirect damages of any kind which may arise as a result of accessing this web site. Tamiami Village & RV Park reviews content of linked sites at the time they are linked, but cannot be responsible for changes to those sites, or sites linking to them. Should you choose to follow links to web sites linked from this site, Tamiami Village & RV Park is not responsible for any content provided on those or subsequent linked sites.

Tamiami Village & RV Park  reserves the right to make changes to this legal information as needed and without notice or obligation to you. We suggest you review this page periodically.

Harvesting Email addresses from this web site using any means is a violation of our terms of use and may be prosecuted.

Thank you for choosing the Tamiami Village & RV Park. We value your business and appreciate the opportunity to serve you.